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Companie De Marketing Locuri de munca in Constanţa
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de locuri de muncă 1 - 7 de 7
Reprezentant Vanzari-Divizia Tobacco-Constanta
- Constanţa | Jul 21, 2021 Interbrands
- Interbrands - Constanţa - Scurta descriere a companiei Established in 1993, Interbrands Marketing & Distribution is today one of the most important companies in the
Consilier Relații Clienți - Selgros Agigea
- Constanţa | Jul 11, 2021
- Constanţa - Utilizarea instrumentelor moderne de marketing, puse la dispoziție de companie, pentru atragerea de noi clienți și descoperirea de noi posibilități
Reprezentant Vanzari-Divizia Tobacco-Constanta
- Constanţa | Jun 26, 2021 Interbrands
- Interbrands - Constanţa - Scurta descriere a companiei Established in 1993, Interbrands Marketing & Distribution is today one of the most important companies in the
Distribution Account Manager - Tulcea/constanta
- Constanţa | Mar 16, 2021 Interbrands
- Interbrands - Tulcea - Constanţa - Scurta descriere a companiei Established in 1993, Interbrands Marketing & Distribution is today one of the most important companies
Consilier Relatii Clienti - Selgros Agigea
- Constanţa | Jan 23, 2021 SELGROS CASH & CARRY S.R.L.
- SELGROS CASH & CARRY S.R.L. - Constanţa - Descrierea postului: - administrarea si analiza bazei de clienti; - utilizarea instrumentelor moderne de marketing, puse
Social Media Specialist
- Constanţa | Dec 2, 2020
- Constanţa - Candidatul ideal Studii superioare finalizate; Experinta pe o pozitie similara de minim 3 ani, preferabil intr-o companie din sectorul horeca; Experienta in
Reprezentant Vanzari - Constanta
- Constanţa | Jul 22, 2020 Interbrands
- Interbrands - Constanţa - Scurta descriere a companiei Established in 1993, Interbrands Marketing & Distribution is today one of the most important companies in the