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de locuri de muncă 106 - 120 de 158
Customer Care Representative - Call Center Galati[#interviuacasa]
- Galaţi | Oct 15, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Galaţi - department Relatii cu clientii Salut! Vrei să lucrezi într-unul dintre cele mai stabile domenii? Hai la Orange! Daca: iti vine in mod natural ...
Customer Care Representative - Call Center Galati[#interviuacasa]
- Galaţi | Oct 14, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Galaţi - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email you furthe...
Sales Representative Campulung #interviuonline
- Câmpulung | Oct 14, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Câmpulung, Argeş - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email...
Sales Representative Piatra-Neamt [#interviuacasa]
- Piatra Neamţ | Oct 10, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Piatra Neamţ, Neamţ - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will em...
Sales Representative Vaslui [#interviuacasa]
- Vaslui | Oct 9, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Vaslui - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email you further...
Sales Representative Alba Iulia #interviuonline
- Alba Iulia | Oct 4, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Alba Iulia, Alba - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email y...
Sales Representative - Sibiu
- Sibiu | Oct 2, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Sibiu - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email you further ...
Sales Representative Cluj #interviuonline
- Cluj-Napoca | Oct 2, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Cluj-Napoca, Cluj - department Vanzari „Asculta, oferta asta e pentru tine!” Cel mai probabil ai raspunsurile pregatite atunci cand cei dragi iti cer...
Sales Representative Cluj - Iulius Mall
- Cluj-Napoca | Oct 1, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Cluj-Napoca, Cluj - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email ...
Sales Representative Cluj #interviuonline
- Cluj-Napoca | Oct 1, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Cluj-Napoca, Cluj - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email ...
Shop Sales Assistant Bacau [#interviuacasa]
- Bacău | Oct 1, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Bacău - department Vanzari Cautam controlori de trafic… …sau colegi responsabili si carismatici care sa le ofere clientilor din magazinul Orange exper...
Shop Sales Assistant Bacau [#interviuacasa]
- Bacău | Sep 30, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Bacău - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email you further...
Shop Sales Assistant Timisoara #interviuonline
- Timişoara | Sep 27, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Timişoara, Timiş - department Vanzari Cautam controlori de trafic… …sau colegi responsabili si carismatici care sa le ofere clientilor din magazinul ...
Shop Sales Assistant - Tg Mures
- Târgu Mureş | Sep 26, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Târgu Mureş, Mureş - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will em...
Sales Representative - Cluj-Napoca
- Cluj-Napoca | Sep 26, 2020 Orange
- Orange - Cluj-Napoca, Cluj - We have received your application from Indeed, so the first step of your application is complete. To finish your application we will email ...